PT PROFILTER INDONESIA Distributor Cartridge Filter Bag Housing RO Membrane UV System

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Polyloc Filter Bag  large  
Polyloc Filter Bag Polyester
Code : FBPE12PL
Deskripsi :

Polyloc Filter Bag Polyester

Kami adalah importir distributor agen dan supplier Polyloc Filter Bag terlengkap untuk menyediakan berbagai kebutuhan spare part water treatment untuk keperluan industri dengan price harga terbaik


PFI Felt filter bags are manufactured from needle felt material in polypropylene and polyester that provide the most economic value and reliable choice for a wide range of filtration applications. Felt bags are also available in an “XL” extended life media. The extended life fibre blend offers two to five times the dirt holding capacity of traditional felt materials to provide longer service life. When paired with the correct filter bag housing, XL media can minimize process downtime, reduce maintenance time and expenses, limit worker exposure to the process liquid, reduce or eliminate waste disposal costs and improve product quality.


General Filtration felt filter bags feature 100% thermally bonded construction and non-fibre-release surface treatment. Top retainer flange and ring options ensure no-bypass sealing.

We stock a wide selection of micron ratings in industry standard sizes for immediate shipment.



High-quality polyester and polypropylene felt media

Silicone free felt media for paint and automotive applications

Felt media outer surface treatment to prevent loose fibres and downstream migration

Standard polypropylene and polyester felt from FDA compliant resins for use in food grade applications

Fully welded/thermally bonded seams on standard bags for bypass-free filtration

Retainer collar seal from chemically resistant FDA-compliant polypropylene resin for a four-point positive seal

Polyester retainer collar seal ring is durable for higher temperatures




Material Bag : Polyester

Micron Size : 1 - 200 micron

Ukuran Bag : size # 1, 2 , 3 , 4 dan 5

Ring : Zinc Plate Steel & SDS Ring



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Jl.Canadian Broadway

Kawasan Pergudangan Commpark – Kotawisata – Cibubur

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